LIT Wellness Solutions – Ready to Say Goodbye to Diet Culture and Hello to Food Freedom?

When my husband and I went full-time self-employed, I was looking for new connections with other business owners and found out about the Mount Saint Joseph Alumni Business Page. To make a long story short, I found LIT Wellness Solutions, loved their mission, and reached out to the Founder, Tanya Fasnacht Jolliffe. The rest is history. We have had the pleasure of getting to know Tanya and her heart over the past year. I want you to see what she has to offer within a world I believe most Americans struggle.

If you have read any of my blogs on, you know I have had my own struggles with “diet culture”. Tanya and I share a similar story, and both have been on a mission ever since to help others walk away from diet culture and into the land of food freedom. You can read and listen to more of Tanya’s full story on her website at

Tanya started her business after being a Registered Dietician for several years. She decided to take the self-employment route where she could have a bigger reach because she felt a nudge from God to do so. Tanya strives to continue helping people heal so she can give God all the glory for each changed life as people break away from the world’s expectations of who they should be, and pursue the life God intended.

Her business is focused on igniting the change within those who are looking to improve their health and well-being in what she calls the 5 Pillar areas: Nutrition, Fitness, Well-Being, Hydration, and Sleep. Her goal is to coach her clients into healthy, whole living and true body and food acceptance.

Tanya is the author of The Mindful Me Journey Book, which is a 40-day guided journal toward a heathier relationship with food and exercise. There is so much value in this book. Many people make food and exercise decisions based on emotions, and this will help free you from making irrational decisions (good or bad) when it comes to diet and exercise. If you are challenged by emotional eating, eating out of boredom, or feel shame/guilt based upon food choices, this might be something you want to work through!

I asked Tanya what her inspiration was for creating this 40-day journal, and she told me it was because women didn’t know how to walk away from diet-culture without a plan. Some clients had been following such a strict regiment for so long, the thought of intuitive eating was beyond comprehension when stepping into this new journey. The journal takes the reader through four phases that help walk them through the lifestyle change.

LIT Wellness is a state certified women owned business. Speaking of women owned, Tanya spends a lot of time with Women in Trucking to help drivers become recertification ready with their DOT medical cards.

If you are looking for a cookie cutter answer when it comes to diet and exercise, there isn’t one. Tanya realizes each client she works with is unique in their own right. Their bodies are different, goals are different, desires, determination, schedules, taste buds, willingness, etc. are all different. This is why she can’t copy and paste a “plan” for everyone. It takes getting to know each client, by spending time with them to develop the best suggestions for success.

I have seen the value of Tanya’s efforts, and love what she is about. Her willingness to be vulnerable and honest has helped me step into another level of freedom in this area. If you find yourself constantly trying the new fad diet, praying for a super pill that will make you look perfect, spending hours in the gym because you ate dessert the night before, constantly thinking about your weight, have a hard time looking at yourself in the mirror, constantly eliminate or don’t allow yourself to have certain foods, then I pray you reach out to Tanya ( and get a different perspective. After all, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain in a life of food and exercise freedom!

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